Vedic astrology requires exact birth data for the birth chart readings, as each is unique. Around 259 human beings are born per minute in the world. It often happens that the birth time given is not precise enough.
Finding out the correct birth time of a native is called Birth Time Rectification (BTR). One can never reach his destination with the wrong map; in the same way, one cannot make correct readings with incorrect birth data.
Birth time rectification is a crucial process in astrology to give precise readings, personalized advice, the timing of events, and pertinent Vedic remedies.
The natal chart, or horoscope, is a map of the sky at the exact moment of a person’s birth. Even a few minutes of difference in birth time can lead to significant changes in the positions of the planets and ascendant rising in Divisional charts.
The ascendant, or rising sign, changes approximately every two hours in the Rasi or D1 chart. However, it can change in a few minutes in many divisional charts. It plays a vital role in shaping a person’s personality and outward behavior. An incorrect birth time can lead to an incorrect ascendant, which can misrepresent the individual’s character and life experiences.
Using a methodical and proven birth chart reading process can provide deeper insights into an individual’s life path, strengths, challenges, and potential. It allows astrologers to tailor their readings to the specific nuances of a person’s chart.
Therefore, Gaurav Dave follows a foolproof process of reading birth charts: The birth chart reading process is very simple for the client.
They just need to provide the following information and some important past events of their lives.
The rest of the job is for the Vedic astrologer.
To cast your birth chart according to Indian Astrology, Gaurav would need the following information:
Please send your birth details (date, place, and time of birth) along with your contact information via email, phone, etc. and the precise questions you wish to ask.
Please send the following available documents by email or please bring the following in the meeting.
For further consultations, just send Gaurav your precise questions, and he can respond via telephone, email, skype or you are most welcome to organize a meeting in his office.
He respects your privacy and shall not share any information with anyone for any purpose what-so-ever.
If you wish to contact Gaurav Dave, please Click Here