Sun God is the king of the planetary hierarchy in Vedic Astrology, Vedanga Jyotish

The powers and influential abilities of the Sun in Vedic Astrology are way beyond that of any other planet. He is the significator of the universal soul, health, power, royalty, authority, and leadership. He is the karaka of all Raj Yogas, who initiates them.

Shri Vishnu Purana describes Sun’s might and glory and Vedic astrology illustrates rules that highlight his supreme influential abilities. The synergy, coherence, and logic in Vedic scriptures are the hallmark of Vedic Knowledge bodies.

Maharishi Parashara, in Shri Vishnu Purana, describes the mighty chariots of the Sun God (Dwadash Aditya) in the following way

The glorious Sun darts like an arrow on his southern course, attended by the constellations and signs of the zodiac. He never rises nor sets, however, his appearance and disappearance at a location generate such scenarios.

He causes the difference between day and night and is in constant motion on his divine vehicle.

The 7 horses of the Sun’s chariot are the chandas (meters) of the Vedas: Gayatri, Brihati, Ushnik, Jagati, Trishtubh, Anushtubh, and Pankti.

Sun or Surya Dev has 12 forms called Dwadasa Aditya in Vedic astrology. Every month, the Sun God takes one form in a Sign (Rasi) and his chariot is composed of 6 other members each month.

The seven members of the chariot are Aditya, Rishi, Gandharva, Apsara, Yaksha, Sarpa, and Rakshas.

When the Surya Dev is in Aries in Chaitra maas (month), he has the form of Dhata Aditya. The other members of his divine chariot are Pulatsya Rishi, Tambour Gandharva, Kratushtala Apsara, Rathbruth Yaksh, Vasuki Sarpa, and Héti Rakshas.

Likewise, when the Sun is in Pisces in Phalgun maas, he has the form of Vishnu Aditya. The other members that constitute this chariot are: Vishwamitra Rishi, SuryaVarcha Gandharva, Rambha Apsara, Ashvatar Sarp, and Satyajeet Yaksh.

In this way, these 7 members empowered by the energies of Shri Vishnu stay in the Surya mandal for 1 month.

The Rishis lauds (स्तुति) the Aditya, Gandharvs stay in front and glorify (यशोगान) him, the Apsaras dance (नृत्य), the Yaksha drive the chariot, Rakshas walk behind the chariot, the Sarpas prepare & decorate the chariot.

The Authority of Sun in Vedic Astrology and SarvatoBhadra Chakra.

Now in Jyotish, the rules of judging Transit, Prashna, and other results, say in SarvatoBhadra Chakra give top importance to Surya Dev. 

Sun is so important in Vedic Astrology that the first Nakshatra that falls in the North-East Direction in SarvatoBhadra Chakra, is that of the Sun God (Kritika Nakshatra). 

When Sun is present in any 1 Nakshatra, he has:

-Vedha on 3 Nakshatra

-Graha Drishti on 2 Nakshatra (on 5,15 Nak)

-Lata on 1 Nak (12th Nak)

-UpGrahas on 8 Nakshatra. Their names and respective positions from Sun are: Vidyunmukh (5th from Sun), Shool (8th), Sanipat(14), Ketu (18 ) Ulka (21), Kamp(22), Vajr (23) and Nirghat (24 from Sun )

Further, he sets or combusts one direction, 7 Nakshatras, 3 Signs, 5 to 9 alphabets (Akshara), 4 vowels (Swara), 1-2 types of tithi, and 1-2 varas (day), etc.

The image attached explains this part. For example, when Sun is in a north direction all the Panchanga elements shown in red color are negatively affected or combust. This is the power of Sun commands in Sarvatobhadra Chakra and Vedic Astrology.

 Shadow of Sun God in Sarvatobhadra Chakra in Vedic astrology. When Sun is in a north direction all the Panchanga elements shown in red color are negatively affected or combust.

Consequently, at any time Surya Dev impacts 21 out of 28 Nakshatras, and many other Panchanga elements. The extent of the influence depends on many aspects including the strength of the Sun in the Transit etc.

No other planet can influence in such a capacity in SarvatoBhadra Chakra to draw results.

So worship Surya Dev to have his blessings for health, prosperity, and spirituality.

ॐ सूर्य नारायण नमः I. Aum Surya Narayana Namaha I

Mighty Sun and Combustion of Planets in Astrology

Combustion in astrology is a state when a planet comes in close vicinity of Surya Dev, either ahead or behind. In this situation, due to Sun’s might, power, glory, and brilliance, the planet is rendered weak & insignificant. In astrology we call that graha a combust planet.

To understand the state of a combust planet, we can imagine ourselves standing with a super powerful king. At that time our own importance is insignificant. We are obliged to please the king and contribute to his agendas. We have no choice but to ignore our personal goals completely.

Let us take an example when the 7th lord is a combust planet. The significance of 7th house are : partner, spouse, relationship, business, interactions etc.  So it means unhappiness in marriage/business and or relationships. The spouse of the native can have long & chronic disease or frequent health issues or the business/enterprise of the native shall fail, etc. Because the 7th lord is a combust planet and can not contribute to his personal agendas to give fortunate results of the 7th house.

Similar is the situation of any good house lord; finally, his own agenda (lordship) suffer due to his weak situation.

Shri Surya Siddhanta  gives combustion degrees of planets: Moon 12°, Mars 17° (8° when retro), Mercury 14° (12° when retro), Jupiter 11° (11° when retro), Venus 10° (8° when retro), Saturn 16°.

Within that close vicinity range on both sides with the Sun, the planets are combust in astrology. Hence they are unable to give desired results.

Abhijit/अभिजीत : The 4th sign from the Sun in Vedic Astrology

The meaning of Abhijit is victorious, conquering, winning, or triumphant. It is also the name of Shri Krishna.

In Jyotish, the 4th sign from the presence of the Sun is called Abhijit. Surya Dev does good to that house.

In Muhurta, when the Sun is present in the middle of the 10th house, it forms an all-auspicious Abhijit Muhurta. This generally happens around noon for 48 minutes.

So in this placement, first of all, Sun, who is the Karaka of the 10th house of success and achievements is placed in the most powerful Quadrant (10th house) and has Dig Bala (directional strength) and has blessings of the Dig Devata, Devraj Indra.

Secondly, the Ascendant becomes the 4th sign from Sun, hence the Sun does good for the native or Lagna.

If one has limited knowledge of Jyotish then one can opt for Abhijit Muhurta for all kinds of auspicious beginning of life.

Abhijit is also the name of one Nakshatra in the 28 Nakshatra scheme. It is located between Uttarashada and Sravana. Abhijit Nakshatra is extensively used in SarvatoBhadra Chakra etc.

Best placement of Sun in Horoscope & in Divisional charts:

Sun placed in Lagna (LA), the 5th house, or in the 10th house is extremely powerful and grants fame, power, and kingly achievements to a native respectively.

Sun is Karaka of Lagna & fame. The King always always wants power and control, represented by the 5th house.

Indra-Aditya is the name of Sun god when he is present in the sign Leo or in the 5th house. This is one of the 12 forms of the Sun God, also known as Dwadasa Aditya.

The 10th house is the house of Dig Bala of Surya Dev; the native gets to do kingly karmas and commands proper authority & control. The Dig Devata of the 10th house is Devraj Indra, who blesses Sun in the 10th house.

Strong Sun i.e. in own sign, exaltation sign ( in Rasi and/or Navamsa), with 5+ Bhinna Ashtakavarga score in the sign of his placement, assures glory, might, and success to the native via the blessings of Sun.

If such placement of the Sun is also there in the Dasamsa  D10 chart then it confirms huge power/fame to a native in his profession/karmas.

One can also check such placement of the Sun in any Varga Kundali, if one has a strong Sun in Lagna in Siddhamsa (D-24) then high intelligence and consequently fame via Knowledge is assured.

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